- API docs
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- Blog
- How machines learn to understand words: a guide to embeddings in NLP
- Prompt-based learning with Transformers
- Efficient Transformers II: knowledge distillation & fine-tuning
- Efficient Transformers I: attention mechanisms
- Deep hierarchical unsupervised intent modelling: getting value without training data
- Fixing annotating bias with Communications Mining
- Active learning: better ML models in less time
- It's all in the numbers - assessing model performance with metrics
- Why model validation is important
- Comparing Communications Mining and Google AutoML for conversational data intelligence

Communications Mining Developer Guide
Command reference
re config
command. These include subcommands to create, read, update, delete contexts, as well as setting a default named context and
re config add | Create or modify a named context in the configuration file |
re config current | Display the current context in use |
re config delete | Delete the specified context from the reinfer configuration file |
re config get-token | Print the token for a given context or the current one if unspecified |
re config ls | List all the available contexts in the configuration file |
re config use | Set the default context to use when none is specified for a command |
To see the available subcommands or help with a given subcommand
re config help
re config help
Create or modify a named context in the configuration file
re config add [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
re config add [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-n, --name <name> | The name of the context that will be created or updated |
-e, --endpoint <endpoint> | The Communications Mining cluster endpoint that will be used for this context |
-t, --token <token> | The Communications Mining API token that will be used for this context |
--proxy <proxy> | URL for an HTTP proxy that will be used for all requests if specified |
-k, --accept-invalid-certificates | Whether to accept invalid TLS certificates. You should never have to use this, you running a Communications Mining cluster locally for development |
# Add a new context called `acme`. The cli will interactively ask to provide an API token.
re config add --name acme --endpoint https://acme.reinfer.io
# Using `--name` with a context that already exists will modify it instead.# For example, the next command changes the endpoint of the `acme` context.
re config add --name acme --endpoint https://acme-dev.reinfer.io
# Create a context specifying all information as arguments.
re config add -n staging -e https://localhost:9443 -k -t MYTOKEN
# If options are not provided, the cli will interactively prompt user to enter them
re config add
# Standard output:
* Context name: my-context
I A new context `my-context` will be created
* Enter API token [none]: SECRETTOKEN
W Be careful, API tokens are stored in cleartext in /home/marius/.config/reinfer/contexts.json
* Endpoint [https://reinfer.io/]: https://acme.reinfer.io
I New context `my-context` was created
# Add a new context called `acme`. The cli will interactively ask to provide an API token.
re config add --name acme --endpoint https://acme.reinfer.io
# Using `--name` with a context that already exists will modify it instead.# For example, the next command changes the endpoint of the `acme` context.
re config add --name acme --endpoint https://acme-dev.reinfer.io
# Create a context specifying all information as arguments.
re config add -n staging -e https://localhost:9443 -k -t MYTOKEN
# If options are not provided, the cli will interactively prompt user to enter them
re config add
# Standard output:
* Context name: my-context
I A new context `my-context` will be created
* Enter API token [none]: SECRETTOKEN
W Be careful, API tokens are stored in cleartext in /home/marius/.config/reinfer/contexts.json
* Endpoint [https://reinfer.io/]: https://acme.reinfer.io
I New context `my-context` was created
Print the current context in use to standard output
re config current
re config current
# Print the currently used context to stdout
re config current
# Save the current context to an environment variable
export REINFER_CONTEXT=`re config current`
# Print the currently used context to stdout
re config current
# Save the current context to an environment variable
export REINFER_CONTEXT=`re config current`
Delete the specified context from the reinfer configuration file
re config delete [names]...
re config delete [names]...
# Delete context acme
re config delete acme
# Delete multiple contexts
re config delete acme other-context
# Delete context acme
re config delete acme
# Delete multiple contexts
re config delete acme other-context
Print the API token for a given context or the current one if unspecified to standard output
re config get-token [name]
re config get-token [name]
# Print the API token for the current context to stdout
re config get-token
# Save the API token for the current context in an environment variable
export REINFER_TOKEN=`re config get-token`
# Same, but get the API token for a specific context (acme)
export REINFER_TOKEN=`re config get-token`
# Print the API token for the current context to stdout
re config get-token
# Save the API token for the current context in an environment variable
export REINFER_TOKEN=`re config get-token`
# Same, but get the API token for a specific context (acme)
export REINFER_TOKEN=`re config get-token`
List all the available contexts in the configuration file
re config ls [OPTIONS]
re config ls [OPTIONS]
--tokens | Show API tokens (by default tokens are hidden) |
Subcommands for creating new resources
re create annotations | Create or update annotations |
re create bucket | Create a new bucket |
re create comments | Create or update comments |
re create dataset | Create a new dataset |
re create emails | Create or update emails |
re create project | Create a new project |
re create source | Create a new source |
re create stream-exception | Create a new stream exception |
re create user | Create a new user (note: no welcome email will be sent) |
-h , --help | Prints help information |
-V , --version | Prints version information |
To see the available subcommands or help with a given subcommand
re create help
re create help
re get buckets | List the available buckets |
re get comment | Get a single comment from a source |
re get comments | Download all comments from a source |
re get current-user | Get the user associated with the API token in use |
re get datasets | List the available datasets |
re get projects | List the available projects |
re get sources | List the available sources |
re get stream-comments | Fetch comments from a stream |
re get streams | List the available streams for a dataset |
re get users | List the available users |
To see the available subcommands or help with a given subcommand
re get help
re get help
-h , --help | Prints help information |
-V , --version | Prints version information |
List the available buckets.
re get buckets [bucket-name]
re get buckets [bucket-name]
Get a single comment from a source.
re get comment [OPTIONS] --source <source> <comment-id>
re get comment [OPTIONS] --source <source> <comment-id>
--source <source> | (Required) Source name or id |
-f, --file <path> | Path where to write comments as JSON. If not specified, stdout will be used |
<comment-id> | Comment id |
Download many comments from a source
re get comments [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <source>
re get comments [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <source>
<source> | (Required) Source name or id |
-d, --dataset <dataset> | Dataset name or id |
-f, --file <path> | Path where to write comments as JSON. If not specified, stdout will be used. |
--no-progress | Don't display a progress bar (only applicable when --file is used) |
--from-timestamp <from-timestamp> | Starting timestamp for comments to retrieve (inclusive) |
--predictions <include-predictions> | Save predicted labels and general fields for each comment |
--reviewed-only <reviewed-only> | Only download reviewed comments |
--to-timestamp <to-timestamp> | Ending timestamp for comments to retrieve (inclusive) |
Get the user associated with the API token in use
re get current-user
re get current-user
List the available datasets
re get datasets [dataset]
re get datasets [dataset]
<dataset> | If specified, only list this dataset (name or id) |
List the available projects
re get projects [dataset]
re get projects [dataset]
<dataset> | If specified, only list this dataset (name or id) |
List the available sources
re get sources [source]
re get sources [source]
<source> | If specified, only list this dataset (name or id) |
Fetch comments from a stream
re get stream-comments [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --stream <stream>
re get stream-comments [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --stream <stream>
--stream <stream> | (Required) The full stream name <owner>/<dataset>/<stream> |
--individual-advance | If set, the command will acknowledge each comment in turn, rather than full batches |
--listen <listen> | If set, the command will run forever polling every N seconds and advancing the stream |
--size <size> | The max number of comments to return per batch [default: 16] |
List the available streams for a dataset
re get streams --dataset <dataset>
re get streams --dataset <dataset>
-d, --dataset <dataset> | (Required) The dataset name or id |
Subcommands for deleting resources
re delete <SUBCOMMAND>
re delete <SUBCOMMAND>
re delete bucket | Delete a bucket |
re delete bulk | Delete all comments in a given time range |
re delete comments | Delete comments by id in a source |
re delete dataset | Delete a dataset |
re delete help | Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) |
re delete project | Delete a project |
re delete source | Delete a source |
re delete user | Delete a user |
-h , --help | Prints help information |
-V , --version | Prints version information |
To see the available subcommands or help with a given subcommand
re delete help