Automation Suite Admin Guide
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

Managing System Administrators

System administrators, also known as host administrators, have the required privileges to access the host portal, the Orchestrator host portal, and to configure all host-level settings.

Host-level settings apply for all your organizations, but some can be overwritten at the organization level by an organization administrator.

First system administrator

After completing the installation, the admin user account is automatically provisioned which has system administrator privileges.

Where can I get the credentials?

The details for the first system administrator account, called admin, are available in the cluster_config.json file.

You can use this account to log in to the host portal. If needed, with this account you can create additional system administrator accounts.

Adding a System Administrator

  1. Log in to the host organization with a system administrator account.

    The host portal opens.

  2. Make sure that Host is selected at the top of the pane on the left, and then click Users.
  3. Click Add User in the top right of the page.

    The Add User panel opens from the right of the window.

  4. Fill in the fields with the details for the new system administrator account:
    • If the new account will use their username and password (basic authentication) to log in, fill in the password for the account. The system administrator may be required to reset their password on first login, depending on your security settings.
    • If the new account will log in with Google or Azure Active Directory, you must fill in the email and it should match the one tied to their account in the external provider.
    • For a new log in via SAML, the fields will match the selected SAML user mapping. If the user mapping is set to by user email, then the email must be filled in. If the user mapping is set to by username, then the username must match the username in the SAML identity provider.
    • For a new log in via Windows Authentication (Active Directory), the username must be of the form user@domain - for example, john.doe@uipath.

      The system administrator may be required to reset their password on first login, depending on your security settings.

  5. Click Save to create the account and close the panel.

    The new account is now displayed in the users list.

    An email notification is sent to the provided email address if host-level SMTP settings have been configured. Depending on your security settings, the new system administrator may be required to confirm their email address.

  6. If you configured the system administrator to use basic authentication, then provide the username (or email address) and password you provided for the account to the new system administrator so that they can log in.

    If you configured a system administrator to use an external identity provider then ask them to sign in to the host portal using the option for the respective provider.

Editing Account Details or Resetting the Password

System administrators can, at any point, change the details of another system administrator account, including the account password.

To update this information:

  1. Log in to the host organization with a system administrator account.

    The host portal opens.

  2. Make sure that Host is selected at the top of the pane on the left, and then click Users.
  3. Click the Edit icon docs image at the right end of the account row.

    The Edit User panel opens from the right of the window.

  4. Edit the information as needed.
  5. Click Save to apply your changes and close the panel.

Deleting System Administrator Accounts

You can delete system administrator accounts at any time to prohibit a user from accessing the host portal any longer.

Note: You cannot delete your own account, however. You also cannot delete the last system administrator account. This is to prevent getting locked out of the host portal.

To remove a system administrator account:

  1. Log in to the host organization with a system administrator account.

    The host portal opens.

  2. Make sure that Host is selected at the top of the pane on the left, and then click Users.
  3. Click the Delete icon docs image at the right end of the account row.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Delete to confirm the action.

The account is removed from the users list and can no longer log in to the host portal.

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