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Automation Suite on Linux installation guide

Last updated Feb 27, 2025

External monitoring tools

To effectively monitor Automation Suite, you should understand the Automation Suite architecture. We provide pre-configured alerts via Alert Manager, metrics via Prometheus compatible endpoints, and logs via FluentD that you can collect in your monitoring tool.



For details on the metrics relevant in monitoring the storage, networking and hardware utilization, see the following:

You can push the metrics to your monitoring tool using the Prometheus remote write feature. Alternatively, you can deploy a collector to pull metrics from Prometheus-compatible endpoints, also known as targets. You can view the targets under the Status section in the Prometheus UI.


UiPath® does not support or maintain the remote write endpoint integrations or the collectors. For any issues with the integrations, you should contact the vendor of your monitoring tool.


When using collectors, enabling Application Monitoring in certain monitoring tools may disrupt the functionality of Automation Suite.

Exporting Prometheus metrics to an external system

Prometheus uses the Prometheus remote write feature to collect and export Prometheus metrics to an external system.

Note: UiPath® does not support or maintain the remote write endpoint integrations. However, the endpoints are compatible with the Prometheus instance delivered within Automation Suite.
To configure remote_write on an Automation Suite cluster:
  1. Connect to ArgoCD.
  2. Select Applications.
  3. Navigate to fabric-installer.
  4. Open the APP DETAILS panel and disable self-heal.
  5. Navigate to the rancher-monitoring application.

  6. Open the APP DETAILS panel > MANIFEST tab.

  7. Select EDIT and navigate to the values > prometheus > prometheusSpec section.
  8. Add the desired remoteWrite configurations.
  9. SAVE the new configuration. The rancher-monitoring application displays OutOfSync until the new configuration is applied.
    Note: Prometheus does not need to restart to apply the new remote write configurations.

  10. Test the desired remote write integration. Return to step 8 to add a new configuration.


Automation Suite logs typically serve as a resource for troubleshooting. For details, see Logs.

  • Alerts
  • Metrics
  • Exporting Prometheus metrics to an external system
  • Logs

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