Automation Suite Installation Guide
Last updated Sep 5, 2024

Step 2: Creating your organizations in Automation Suite

You must manually create your organizations in Automation Suite. The organization name must comply with the following Regex format: '^(?!.*$)[a-zA-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+$'.

The organization name must start with an uppercase or lowercase letter and must contain at least one character after the initial letter. Then, the name can include any combination of alphanumeric characters or underscores. Note, however, that the organization name must not end with an underscore.

For example, valid organization names include Username, user_name1, or User123. Make sure to avoid invalid formats such as _username (does not start with a letter), username_(ends with an underscore), user name (contains a space), or user@name (contains an invalid character).
You do not have to manually create the tenant as the migration tool automatically performs this operation for you. The organization and tenant names do not have to be identical, with the tenant name being automatically generated, and the organization name being customizable. The format of the automatically generated tenant name is tenant_xxxxxxxx, where xxxxxxxx signifies the first eight characters of the Automation Suite organization ID.

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