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Automation Hub User Guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Oct 17, 2024

Information About the Idea Score

The Idea high-level scoring algorithm is implemented to vet out ideas that should not be automated.

Based on its value it's easy to separate Ideas based on their idea suitability and readiness and invest time in the ones that can bring value to your company.

Automation Hub uses the general factors applied to ideas algorithms. The difference is that it creates a guided experience available for anyone who wants to share their idea(s). Another differentiation is the fact that the exceptions are also implemented in the algorithm.

During the Idea submission process, an algorithm runs silently to compute the following output scores:

  • Idea Score - expressed as % (from 0 to 100% - the higher the better).

Idea Score

This is the Idea overall score calculated as a simple arithmetic average between the following 5 factors ranked by the submitter on a Likert scale (from 1 to 5) or weighted average between suitability % and readiness % :

  • The degree to which the process has rules;
  • The Input's degree of digitization;
  • Degree to which the input data is structured;
  • The upcoming process changes;
  • Existence of documentation describing the process/task.

    Note: All the above mentioned factors influence the result in a positive way the higher they are ranked.
    Note: If the weight algorithm is customized, the Idea Score is calculated as a weighted average of questions scores without taking into consideration the Suitability and Readiness question scores.
    Note: Once the High Level Assessment is customized in Admin Console, the algorithm no longer computes the Readiness and Suitability score. Only an Idea Score is displayed, representing an overall score indicating how good a candidate the idea is for automation.
  • Idea Score

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