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Last updated Feb 13, 2025

Use Input Mask


You can guide your users enter data correctly into a Textbox control by using the Input Mask property.
docs image

To learn more on how to use this property, check the examples below.

To learn more about Textbox control properties, check the Textbox page.

  • When the Accept property is not configured in the example, the default vale is \d (digits).
  • If you restrict characters using [\A-H], these will be enforced as capital letters. If you want to use lower case letters, you need to configure them as [\A-Ha-h].

Date and time form

To configure an input mask for a date-time field, use the example below. This example only changes the values for the d, m, y, and h characters, and keep the /, space, and : in place.
  1. Add dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm in the Input mask property.
  2. Add dmyh in the Mask char. property.

Telephone number

To configure an input mask for a telephone number field, use the example below. This example only changes the values for the _ character and keeps the +1, (, ), -, and space in place.
  1. Add +1 (___) ___-____ in the Input mask property.
  2. Add _ in the Mask char. property.
Tip: You can also use REGEX validation in addition to Input Mask to allow phone numbers with optional country code, optional special characters and whitespace.


To configure an input mask for an invoice field with a post-pended -INV, use the example below. This example only changes the values for the * character and keeps the post-pended -INV in place.
  1. Add `*-INV in the Input Mask property.
  2. Add * in the Mask char. property.

MAC Address

To configure an input mask for a MAC address field, use the example below. This example only changes the values for the X character and keeps the : character in place. This will also accept only digits and characters between A and H.
  1. Add XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX in the Input Mask property.
  2. Add - in the Mask char. property.
  3. Add [\dA-H] in the Accept property.


To configure an input mask for an alphanumeric field that only accepts characters from A to Z and digits, use the example below. This example only changes the values for the _ character and keeps the - character in place. This will also accept only digits and characters between A and Z.
  1. Add __-__-__-____ in the Input Mask property.
  2. Add _ in the Mask char. property.
  3. Add [\dA-Z] in the Accept property.

Credit card

To configure an input mask for a credit card field, use the example below. This example only changes the values for the ? character and keeps the space character in place. This will also accept only digits.
  1. Add ???? ???? ???? ???? in the Input Mask property.
  2. Add ? in the Mask char. property.
  3. Add [\d] in the Accept property.
Tip: You can also use REGEX validation in addition to Input Mask for specific cards (for example, MasterCard or Visa).


To configure an input mask for a currency field, use the example below. This example only changes the values for the _ character and keeps the & and . characters in place. This will also accept only values between 0000.01 and 9999.99.
  1. Add $____.__ in the Input Mask property.
  2. Add _ in the Mask char. property.

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