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Apps Release Notes
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Oct 17, 2024


Release date: 23 May 2022

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What’s New

Input Validation

New validation properties are introduced to several controls. You can notify the user in runtime that a control is mandatory just by setting the Required property to =true. You can also set up an error message if the control is not filled in runtime using the Required Error Message property.

You can add text next to the control using the new Label property. You can place the label either above the control or next to it on the left by using the Label Placement property from the Style tab.

A new Is Valid variable is also added for the controls, improving the use of expressions.

This property is currently available for the following input controls:

  • Date Picker
  • Dropdown
  • File Picker
  • Multiselect dropdown
  • Radio Button
  • Slider
  • Text Area
  • Textbox

Page Templates

When starting a new app or adding a new page, you can pick one of the templates from the pop-up window. You can pick from several templates, including dashboards, forms, lists, and other. If you want to add a fresh page, select Blank Page.

Apps Integration With Data Service

Apps integration with Data Service is now available.

For more information on the functions and rules related to Entities, see the following guides:

For more information on how to use Apps with Data Service, see .

Apps Integration With Queues

Apps integration with Queues is now available on all apps.

For more information on how to use this integration, see the following guides:

Tab Control

A new display control is introduced, Tabs. You can use this control when building apps that have a lot of information to display which can be spread across multiple sections. For more information on this control, see the page.

Known Issues

  • When adding a File Picker control and marking the Download only checkbox, the Disable property is marked as true. Even so, the download is working and you can click on the Download button and preview the picture.
  • When adding a File Picker control and setting the Disabled field to true, you can still upload or delete a file even if it's disabled.
  • In certain situations, an invalid binding error is displayed, even though there are no errors. For more information on this and the solution if you encounter the error, see the section.
  • In certain situations, the columns from a table are not displayed properly when previewing an app. If this happens, you can configure a width to either the table or the container, and the table columns are displayed correctly.
  • When copy-pasting controls from one page to another, the required field property is not set.
  • Setting a textbox control required field using a switch or checkbox control is not working properly inside a custom list.
  • In runtime, when setting the required field to true on a button using the checkbox control, the buttons are not disabled.

You can get started immediately with Apps. Sign up for an Enterprise Server Trial on UiPath by filling out the trial form. The trial email to be received soon after has a new section that contains a license file download URL and a link to documentation.

For information about hardware and software requirements, see this page.

  • What’s New
  • Input Validation
  • Page Templates
  • Apps Integration With Data Service
  • Apps Integration With Queues
  • Tab Control
  • Known Issues

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