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Last updated Mar 10, 2025

Rich Text Editor

Use the Rich Text Editor control to allow users to compose rich text from your app. This text can then be used as email content, marketing content, and more.

Design Time


  • Hint text - The help text to be displayed at runtime.
  • Default text - The default content to be displayed at runtime. If this property is bound to an app variable, changes to the default value will not propagate to the app variable.
    • To update values in app variables, you should use a Set Value rule.
  • Label - The display text of the control.
  • Required - If true, app users must provide data in the control. To mark the control as mandatory at runtime, an asterisk * is added after the label text.
  • Custom error message - The text to be displayed if the Required property is set to true and the control is left empty.
  • Hidden- If true, hides the control at runtime.
  • Read only - If true, you cannot add text at runtime, but the existing content is displayed and cannot be edited.


  • Value changed - Configure what happens when the content is changed.


  • Control Alignment - By default, inherits the parent alignment. A different alignment other than the parent can be set. To default back to the parent alignment, deselect the overridden options.

    Note: The alignment is dependent on the layout selected for the parent (Vertical vs Horizontal).
  • Label Placement - By default, the label is set to be displayed on top of the control, at the left side. You can place it to the left of the control, on the same line. The Label Width property configures how wide the label should be, and the Space between property sets the distance between the label and the control.
  • Font - The font attributes for the label text, such as font family, size, color, or style (Bold, Italic and Underline). By default, the control inherits the font family of the immediate parent container which is indicated by the keyword "Inherited".

  • Margin - The margin of the control. By default, a margin of 4px is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be detached using the Link button at the right side of the Margin section.
  • Size - The width and height of the control. By default, the size is set to auto. To set minimum or maximum values, click the three dot icon (...). If the size of the control is smaller than the options, a scroll bar is displayed.
Note: When the control alignment is set to Stretch and the parent control is set to Allow wrapping, the Rich Text Editor control does not stretch to the full height. To avoid this, you can remove the Stretch alignment or provide an explicit height for the control.



Use this control to compose rich text straight from the app in runtime.

Note: If you select the Read-only box during runtime, the interface of the Rich Text Editor changes: the editing controls are hidden and you cannot add new text or edit the existing one.


The interface provides useful capabilities, such as:

  • Font styling - Personalize the font. You can choose from the following options:

    • Bold
    • Italic
    • Underline
    • Bullet list - Create a bullet list.
    • Numbered list - Create a numbered list.
    • Table - Create a table. You can change the style of the table (size, alignment, background color, border) by selecting Table properties from the dropdown menu.
    • Font family
    • Font size
    • Text color
    • Text background color
  • Alignment - Align the content from the Rich Text Editor control.

    • Align left - Align the text with a left edge.
    • Align right - Align the text with a right edge.
    • Align center - Align the text between two edges.
    • Justify - Increase the space between words to fill the entire line so that it is aligned with both the left and right edges.
  • Decrease and Increase indent - Increase or decrease the space between the left and right margin of a paragraph.
  • Line height - Change the space between two rows.
  • Superscript and Subscript - Format the text so that it is either slightly above (superscript) or below (subscript) the normal line of type.
  • Clear formatting - Remove all the formatting on a block of selected text, a paragraph, or the whole text.
  • Insert/edit image - Insert an image from a Storage bucket.
  • Blockquote - Indicate the quotation of a large selection of text from another source.
  • Horizontal line - Insert a horizontal line.
  • Insert/edit link - Insert or edit a public URL. You can also configure it to open in the same window or in a new window.
  • Undo and Redo - Undo any changes or redo them if needed.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Currently the CTRL+C and CTRL+V keyboard shortcuts do not work on Windows machines for embed or image pop-ups displayed in the Rich Text Editor control.
Use CTRL+SHIFT+C and CTRL+SHIFT+V instead.

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts to reach the control's toolbar:


PC (non-macOS)


Focus or jump to menu bar



Focus or jump to toolbar



VB properties

VB property

Data type




Information text which appears when the user hovers over the Rich Text Editor.



Placeholder text displayed inside the Rich Text Editor.


The label of the Rich Text Editor, typically text displayed preceding the control.



If true, the Rich Text Editor is read-only at runtime.



Currently selected value of the Rich Text Editor.



Specifies if the Rich Text Editor value is mandatory.



Message displayed when the Rich Text Editor value is required but was not provided.

HiddenBooleanDetermines the visiblity of the Rich Text Editor. If set to true, hides the control at runtime.
DisabledBooleanDetermines if the Rich Text Editor is interactable. If set to true, disables interaction with the Rich Text Editor at runtime.



Checks validity of the Rich Text Editor value. If true, indicates it is valid.

  • Design Time
  • General
  • Events
  • Style
  • Runtime
  • Overview
  • Interface
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • VB properties

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