Apps User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Aug 5, 2024



  • By default, there are three tabs with names (Tab 1,Tab 2,Tab 3). Each tab behaves similarly with a table column with the following properties:

    • Tab Name - Gets populated automatically. Can also be modified if needed.
    • Page Source - Source of the tab.
    • Hidden- If selected, hides the tab in runtime.
    • Disabled - If selected, disables the tab in runtime.
    • Add new tab ( + ) - Add tabs by clicking on the icon.

  • Open by default - Choose which page to open by default.
  • Hidden- If selected, hides the control in runtime.
  • Disabled - If selected, disables the control in runtime.


  • Value changed - Configure what happens when the value is changed.


  • Control Alignment - By default, inherits the parent alignment. A different alignment other than the parent can be set. To default to Parent's alignment, toggle the selected alignment icons to switch off the specific alignment.

    Note: Alignment is dependent on Parent's layout ( Vertical vs Horizontal ).
  • Large tabs - Choose whether the tabs are large or not.
  • Active Tab Color - Set the color for the active, selected tab.
  • Font - Sets the font for the Tab header and Tab body. Font family, size, color, and style (Bold, Italic and Underline) can be configured in this section. By default, the control inherits the font family of its immediate parent container which is indicated by the keyword 'inherited'.
  • Border - Sets the border for the control. Border Thickness, Border Color, and Corner Radius can be configured for the border.
  • Margin - Sets the margin of the control. By default 4px margin is set. Top/Bottom and Left/Right margin properties are combined. These properties can be unlinked using the unlink button on the right side of the Margin section heading.
  • Size - The width and height of the tab can be set in the size section. By default, the width is set to Auto and height set to 200 px. Min Width/ Min Height and Max Width/ Max Height are available under more (...) in the size section.

Keyboard Shortcuts

For improved accessibility, you can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the tabs list from the General tab in the configuration panel:

  • Up and Down arrow keys to change the selected tab
  • Alt+Up arrow key to move the selected tab up
  • Alt+Down arrow key to move the selected tab down
  • General
  • Events
  • Style
  • Keyboard Shortcuts

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