AI Center
Automation CloudAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Jun 6, 2024


Release date: 29 January 2021

New Features

We are excited to release AI Fabric On-Premises 2020.10.2 LTS Patch as we have enhanced our on-premises offerings with:

  • Private AKS Installation support
  • CV ServicesCV Services can be used by setting the CV Skills as public by using the following SQL Query:
    • delete FROM ml_packages where is_public=1 and name ='ComputerVision'
    • delete FROM ml_package_versions where ml_package_language ='PYTHON36_CV' and is_public=1
  • ML package Import and ExportUsers are now able to move the Private and Public ML packages between different AI Fabric Instances, download the ML packages, and upload them to another AI Fabric target Environment using the import/export scripts.


  • We streamlined AI Fabric on-premises installation with:
    • Additional pre-flight checks on Minimum System configuration,
    • OS Disk,
    • Machine resources.
  • We added the OOB ML Classifier model and updated the existing DU models (Purchase Order, Utility Bills, and others) to the latest version and base images.
  • New Features
  • Improvements

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