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    • Connection Settings
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    • Orchestrator Notifications
    • How to Set up a Named Credentials Connection
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Add-ins User Guide

Last updated Jul 17, 2024

Connection Settings

In this section, learn about the Salesforce connection settings.


The Connection Settings feature is where you enter the following information to establish a connection between Salesforce and an Orchestrator or UiPath Automation Cloud tenant:

For an Orchestrator tenant, the connection settings are:

  • Orchestrator URL
  • Tenant Name
  • Named Credential / User Credentials (Username and Password)
  • Folder (Classic Folder or Modern Folder)

For an Automation Cloud tenant, the connection settings are:

  • Acount Logical Name
  • Tenant Logical Name
  • Named Credential / API Access Key (Client Id and User Key)
  • Folder (Classic Folder or Modern Folder).
After entering the information above, the add-in authenticates your credentials and creates the connection. After successfully adding your connection settings, you can start building your templates. For more information about building templates, see Templates.

You have the option to create multiple connections to the same or different Tenant. Each connection requires its own connection settings and may include the same or different credentials (i.e., username, password). Adding multiple connections to the same Tenant is useful if you plan to have multiple teams or individuals that want to manage their own connections and templates.

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Field Descriptions

On Premise (UiPath Orchestrator)

This section describes the connection settings data fields if you are using the UiPath Orchestrator.

Connection Name

A unique name for your connection.

This name is only used in the UiPath Add-in for Salesforce application and it does not need to match the name of the Tenant that you're connecting to. Your name can include alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9), special characters, and spaces.
EnvironmentOn Premise
Connection TypeNamed Credential. For more info, access our Named Credentials guide.
Named Credential Select the desired Named Credential.
Orchestrator Tenant Name

The name of the Tenant that you're connecting to Salesforce. This name must match the name of your Tenant in UiPath Orchestrator.

Folder/Organization Unit The fully qualified name of the folder. If you leave this field empty, it chooses "default" as folder name (you must make sure you have a default folder in your Orchestrator).
Save (button)

Saves and verifies the authentication details by establishing a connection between Salesforce and UiPath Orchestrator.

If the connection is unsuccessful, a red notification stating "Unable to authenticate UiPath credentials. Please verify and try again." appears at the top of the screen. To resolve the issue, verify your form entries and click the Connect button again.

Cloud (UiPath Automation Cloud)

This section describes the connection settings data fields if you are using the UiPath Automation Cloud.

These settings can be obtained as follows:
  1. Login to your UiPath Automation Cloud account.
  2. Navigate to Services.
  3. For the service you are going to connect to, select Named Credentials.
  4. Note the values of Account Logical Name, Tenant Logical Name, Client Id, and User Key.

Connection Name

A unique name for your connection.

This name is only used in the UiPath Add-in for Salesforce application and it does not need to match the name of the Tenant that you're connecting to. Your name can include alphanumeric characters (a-z, 0-9), special characters, and spaces.
Connection TypeNamed Credential
Account Logical Name The logical name of your Automation Cloud account.
Tenant Logical NameThe logical name of your service.
FolderThe fully qualified name of the folder. If you leave this field empty, it chooses "default" as folder name (you must make sure you have a default folder in your Orchestrator).
Save (button) Saves and verifies the authentication details by establishing a connection between Salesforce and UiPath Orchestrator.

If the connection is unsuccessful, a red notification stating "Unable to authenticate UiPath credentials. Please verify and try again." appears at the top of the screen. To resolve the issue, verify your form entries and click the Connect button again.

Update a Connection

  1. Create a new connection that uses Named Credentials. You can find more information on how to do that in How to Set up a Named Credentials Connection.
  2. Click the Templates button located under your old connection. More information on templates is available in Templates.
  3. The templates for your connection are displayed. Click the Edit button located in the right side, corresponding to one of your templates.
  4. Click the Connection field. A drop-down menu will be displayed. Select the new connection, that uses Named Credentials.
  5. Click Ok to confirm you choice. Select a new Job or Queue, depending on your template.
  6. Click Save.

Delete a Connection

When deleting a connection that has associated templates, the templates are moved to the Disconnected Templates list. From this list, you can re-associate these disconnected templates with a new or existing connection. For more information, see Disconnected Templates.

To delete a connection, follow the steps below:

  1. From the left-hand panel, select the connection that you want to edit.
  2. Click the Edit button in the upper right corner of the form.
  3. Click the Delete button (this opens a confirmation window).
  4. In the confirmation window, click the Delete button.

You're done! Your authentication is deleted and any associated templates are moved to the Disconnected Templates list for future use.

  • Overview
  • Field Descriptions
  • On Premise (UiPath Orchestrator)
  • Cloud (UiPath Automation Cloud)
  • Update a Connection
  • Delete a Connection

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