IT Automation Activities
Last updated Jun 11, 2024

Clone VM



Creates a cloned VM starting from the specified source virtual machine.

Project compatibility

Windows | Cross-platform


  • Source VM - Virtual Machine to be cloned.
  • Virtual Machine Name - The full path of the virtual machine, including datacenter and folders.
  • Host - The host where the virtual machine will run.
  • Datastore - The storage for the configuration and disk files associated with the host.
  • DiskStorage - The format of the virtual disk. Select one of the options from the dropdown menu: SameFormatAsSource, ThickProvisionEagerZeroed, ThickProvisionLazyZeroed, ThinProvision. Default value is SameFormatAsSource.
  • Customization Specification - The name of Customization Specification item which is used for customizing the Guest OS.
  • Virtual Machine Description - The description of the new virtual machine.
  • Power On After Creation - Specifies whether the virtual machine will be powered on after creation. Default value is Off.
  • Wait for Completion - If set to On, the activity waits to complete before moving to the next activity, but no longer than the value specified in the Timeout field. Default value is On.
  • Timeout (seconds) - Specifies the amount of time (in seconds) to wait for the activity to complete before an error is thrown. The default value is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).
  • Virtual Machine - The details about the new virtual machine.
  • Description
  • Project compatibility
  • Configuration

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