  • Release Notes
      • 2020.10.7
      • 2020.10.6
      • 2020.10.5
      • 2020.10.4
      • 2020.10.3
      • 2020.10.2
  • Getting Started
  • Installation and upgrade
  • Activities
  • Actions
  • Processes
    • About Processes
    • User Interface
    • Accessing Processes
    • Managing Processes
Action Center
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated May 21, 2024

User Interface

Accessing Processes

Processes/Queues Overview

A card is displayed for each process/queue as found in the Orchestrator folders you have access in. The details of each process are displayed (description, folder name, when a package version was last published from Studio, and the package version used to deploy the process).

Card Focused View

Whenever hovering over a card, the options to run it or view its details become available.

Card Detail View

Clicking a card displays the corresponding detailed view with a breakdown of all executions of the respective process.

Total Runs

Shows an overview of the most recent executions as launched from the Processes service.

Processes Overview

By Action Center Processes we imply all unattended processes and queues from the Orchestrator folders you have access to.

A card is displayed for every Process, holding details such as:

  • Description
  • Folder name
  • Last publishing date
  • Latest package version used for process deployment

Card Detail View

Clicking a card displays the corresponding detailed view with a breakdown of all executions of the respective process.

Card Focused View

Whenever hovering over a card, the options to run it or view its details become available.

Total Runs

Shows an overview of the most recent executions as launched from the Processes service.

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