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Action Center

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Oct 17, 2024

Managing Actions


Make sure you:

  • are in the correct Orchestrator folder, and
  • have the right user permissions to view and manage actions.

For an overview on how to manage actions in Studio click here.

Important: You can only edit an action that is assigned to yourself. Your assigned actions are read-only for other users. Unassigned actions are read-only for all users.

Based on the status of the action, there are two scenarios:

  • Pending or unassigned actions—On either the Pending or Unassigned tab, select the corresponding action. The action is opened in the right-hand section. If the action is opened by the user to whom it has been assigned, it is editable and can be completed. If a different user opens it, it is read-only.
  • Completed actions—On the Completed tab, select the corresponding action. The read-only action is opened in the right-hand section. Once completed, validation cannot be reverted.

To learn how to use validation station for document validation actions click here.

To learn how to use classification station for document classification actions in Orchestrator click here.

Assigning Actions

Both action users and action admin users can perform the Assign operation.

Assigning actions as an action user

  1. On the Unassigned tab, click More options () for the desired action.
  2. Select Assign to self.

Assigning actions as an action admin user

  1. Make sure you are in the Manage Actions view.
  2. On the Unassigned tab, click More options for the desired action.
  3. Select Assign to user. The Assign Action window opens.
  4. Select a user from the drop-down list.

    • All users granted the required permissions to the action-containing folder are displayed in the drop-down, and implicitly can be assigned an action.
    • The Assign to self operation is also available from the action page header.

Unassigning Actions

Both action users and action admin users can perform the Unassign operation.

Note: The Unassign operation is also available from the action's page header.

Unassigning actions as an action user

  1. On the Pending tab, click More options button for the desired action.
  2. Select Unassign to remove the action from your assignment.

Unassigning actions as an action admin user

  1. Make sure you are in the Manage Actions view.
  2. On the Pending tab, click More options for the desired action.
  3. Select Unassign to remove the action from the current user assignment.

    Note: The currently assigned user is displayed at the top of the action page.

Reassigning Actions

Only action admin users can perform the Reassign operation, as follows:

  1. Make sure you are in the Manage Actions view.
  2. On the Pending tab, click More options for the desired action.
  3. Select Reassign to assign the action to a different user. The Reassign Action window opens.
  4. Select a user from the drop-down list.
    Note: This operation unassigns the action from the previous user and assigns it to the one selected at step 4.

Editing Actions Properties

Both action users and action admin users can perform the Edit properties operation. However, action users can edit the properties of their own Pending actions, whereas action admin users can edit the properties of either Pending or Unassigned actions.

You can edit the following action properties:

  • Name
  • Priority
  • Action catalog
  • Comments

    Note: The editing operation and the user performing it are visible on the Audit page of the corresponding tenant.

Editing actions properties as an action user

  1. On the Pending tab, click More options button for the desired action.
  2. Select Edit properties to edit the action properties. The Edit properties panel opens.
  3. Edit one or more properties, according to the new requirements.
  4. To save the changes you made, close the editing panel and click Save on the Save changes? pop-up.

Editing actions properties as an action admin user

  1. Make sure you are in the Manage Actions view.
  2. On the Pending or Unassigned tab, click More options for the desired action.
  3. Select Edit properties to edit the action properties. The Edit properties panel opens.
  4. Edit one or more properties, according to the new requirements.
  5. To save the changes you made, close the editing panel and click Save on the Save changes? pop-up.

Bulk Editing and Completing Actions

Action users can perform the Bulk edit operation for the actions assigned to them.

  • To enable bulk edit on actions, the corresponding forms must be created using the Bulk Form Designer, which is available starting with v1.3.0 of the UiPath.Persistence.Activities pack.
  • Bulk editing is available only for actions with the same bulk form layout. You can bulk edit actions generated by different process versions only if the bulk form layout has not been modified between versions.
  • You can bulk edit 100 actions at a time.

Bulk editing actions

  1. From the Pending list, select the actions you want to bulk edit.

    Important: The actions must be of type bulk form, and they must be generated by the same process version. Otherwise, the Bulk Edit button is disabled.
  2. Click docs image Bulk Edit at the end of the list. The Bulk Edit page opens.
  3. In the panel to the left, the form properties you can bulk edit are displayed.

    Note: In this panel, you can edit form metadata, such as form title, action catalogs, priority, etc.
  4. In the panel to the right, the form fields you are allowed to bulk edit are displayed.
  5. Enter the new values and click on the Save all icon. All selected actions are saved with the new set of values.

Bulk completing actions

If your form actions have a button that triggers the completion, provide the required input for completion and click the corresponding button in the form.

A pop-up is displayed asking you to confirm the completion of multiple items. Click Confirm to complete the actions with the same input, or Cancel to review the values or postpone the bulk completion.

A message informs you if the bulk completion was successful.

The completed actions are moved to the Completed list.

Note: Actions edited or completed in bulk are visible in the Audit page of the corresponding Orchestrator tenant.

Displaying Similar Actions

Both action users and action admin users can perform the Show similar actions operation.

In the context of bulk editing, actions generated by the same process, but with a different form layout, could not be bulked edited, as the Bulk Edit button gets deactivated.

To overcome this inconvenience, you have the option to display similar actions, i.e., actions generated by the same process and with the same form layout.

  1. On the Pending tab, click More options for the desired action.
  2. Select Show similar actions. The list gets filtered by the similar actions that can be bulk edited.

    You can apply further filters to the similar actions list.

  3. Select the actions you want to bulk edit and click docs image Bulk Edit at the end of the list. The Bulk Edit page opens.

Labeling Actions

Labels (or tags) offer an optimal management of actions, through quick action identification and accurate action assignment. Together with action catalogs, action priorities, or action names, labels provide a more granular structure for actions. Therefore, action users and administrators can search, sort, or filter the Action Center inbox by specific labels, narrowing the list and the corresponding operations.

Label permissions

Both action users and action admin userscan perform the Edit labels operation, as long as they have the proper permissions set.

To see the required permissions to manage labels, check the Roles and permissions section.

Labeling Limitations

Label names cannot contain the following characters: <, >, %, &, \, ?, /, :.

You cannot track labels creation or removal in our current logs.

The following labels are proprietary UiPath Studio tags and you cannot define and use them on your objects: UiPathStudioProcess, UiPathStudioTest, UiPathStudioTask, UiPathStudioLibrary, UiPathObjects, UiPathActivities, UiPathStudioX, UiPathTestCases, UiPathEntities, UiPathWebServices, UiPathStudioTemplate, UiPathStudioLocalizedTemplate, C#, CSharp, VB, VisualBasic, GettingStartedTemplate.

Displaying labels

The table below demonstrates the three ways available for displaying labels associated to a specific Action:


How to


Edit Labels window

Open the Edit Labels window for the desired action. All the associated labels are displayed.

From this window, you can add or remove labels for the indicated Action.

Action summary panel

Select the desired Action and navigate to the corresponding Action summary panel. The Label field displays all the associated labels.


Unassigned,Pending, or Completed Action lists

Hover over the desired Action to display a pop-up listing all the associated labels.


Clicking in the Edit Labels window displays all the available Action labels. Select the labels that meet your requirements to associate them to the Action.

Removing Labels

To remove labels from an actions, open the Edit Labels windows for the desired action, click the remove button, then Save.

Important: To completely remove a label, you must remove it manually from all of the its associated actions.

Deleting Actions

Only users with Delete permissions on Actions can perform deletions.

To delete pending, unassigned, or completed actions go to More Options on the action you want to delete, and click Remove.

  • Make sure you resume the underlying process of the deleted action so that the workflow handles the Task not found exception.
  • With UiPath.Persistence.Activities v1.2, the process resumes automatically.
  • All successful deletions are logged in the Orchestrator Audit page.

Forwarding Actions

Both action users and action admin users can perform the Forward operation.


The Forward operation is currently available only for the following scenarios:

  • Actions containing forms
  • Actions in your My Actions pending list
  1. On the Pending tab, select an action.
  2. On the action page header, click Forward docs image . The Forward Action window opens.
  3. Select a user from the dropdown list.
  4. In the Comments field provide the context for forwarding the action.
    Note: All users granted the required permissions to the action-containing folder are displayed in the drop-down, and implicitly can be forwarded an action.

Saving Actions

Both action users and action admin users can perform the Save operation.


The Save operation is currently available only for the following scenarios:

  • Actions containing forms
  • Actions in your own pending list
  1. On your own Pending tab, select an action and provide some of the required input.
  2. On the action page header, click Save docs image .

    The action is saved with the changes you made, and you can access it later to provide further input, or to complete it.

Multi-selecting Actions

To assign, unassign, or delete multiple actions, use the Multi-select Actions option. The available bulk operations are displayed at the bottom of the list.

Important: Switching between action lists clears your selection.

Downloading Actions

To download actions, navigate to More options on an action list and click Download Actions.

This operation downloads the current list of actions that meet the filters you applied, if any, in csv format. Otherwise, it downloads all the actions in the current list, ordered descendingly by priority and creation time.

Operations Summary

The tables below map the available operations to the action statuses and user permissions.

My Actions view

Here are all the available operations in the My Actions view (for action users):

Action status

More options menu: available operations

Page header: available operations


Unassign Show similar actions Edit labels Edit properties (provided the user has the proper permissions)


Save Forward Unassign


Assign to self Show similar actions Edit labels Remove Complete :fa-info-circle:



Show similar actions Edit labels Remove

Note: *The Complete operation is available strictly for external actions.

Manage Actions view

Here are all the available operations in the Manage Actions view (for action admin users):

Action status

More options menu: available operations

Page header: available operations


Reassign Unassign Show similar actions Edit labels Edit properties (provided the user has the proper permissions)




Assign to user Assign to self Show similar actions Edit labels Edit properties (provided the user has the proper permissions)



Assign to self



Show similar actions Edit labels Remove

Note: *The Complete operation is available strictly for external actions.

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