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  • Getting started
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  • Unassisted Task Mining
    • Introduction
    • Project management
    • Installing the recorder
      • AI Center™ permissions
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Task Mining
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Aug 14, 2024

AI Center™ permissions

An AI Center™ project with a dataset is required to run a Task Mining project. AI Center™ model packages and pipelines are used to generate analysis results from a dataset that's generated by users in Task Mining projects. An AI Center™ project and the required permissions are automatically assigned when a project is created in Task Mining.

If there are issues with uploading data on generating analysis results in a Task Mining project, it's best to verify the permissions shown in this article.

User management via UiPath Automation Cloud

Because Task Mining is a service within Automation Cloud please take into account that all the users involved in the discovery process need to have an account in Automation Cloud.

An AI Center™ project with a dataset is required to run a Task Mining project. AI Center™ model packages and pipelines are used to generate analysis results from a dataset that's generated by users in Task Mining projects. An AI Center™ project and the required permissions are automatically assigned when a project is created in Task Mining.

If there are issues with uploading data on generating analysis results in a Task Mining project, it's best to verify the permissions shown in this article.

How to grant AI Center permissions in Orchestrator

Task Mining relies on AI Center™ to store the recorded data and run the ML Pipelines to generate discovery results. To operate Task Mining projects successfully, the following permissions need to be applied in Orchestrator at the tenant level.

To assign AI Center™ permissions, you must first create a tenant role in Orchestrator. To create the role go to Orchestrator > Tenant > Manage Access > Roles > Add a new role > Add a tenant role.

Name the role and then select the appropriate permissions from the list above. Click the Createbutton.

Once created, the role should be applied to all the users in your study. This can be done within the Manage Access section in the Orchestrator Tenant view. Roles can be assigned to individual users or to a group.

Required permissions

To learn more about permissions in AICenter, review the AI Center® permissions guidance.

Project administrator

This grants Task Mining administrators the ability to create and manage the lifecycle of AI Center™ projects and run ML pipelines.

  • ML Logs: View
  • ML Packages: View, Edit, Create, Delete
  • ML Skills: View

Business analyst

This grants Task Mining business analysts the ability to review discovery results including screenshots.

  • ML Logs: View
  • ML Packages: View
  • ML Skills: View

Recording user

This grants Task Mining users the ability to upload recorded data to AI Center™.

  • ML Packages: View

  • User management via UiPath Automation Cloud
  • How to grant AI Center permissions in Orchestrator
  • Required permissions

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