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Integration Service user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Frequently asked questions

What happens if I exceed the usage shown in the Licenses page?

Starting with 2023.10, the Automation CloudTM Admin Licenses dashboard displays the allocated API calls and usage for each customer. This brings the following benefits:

  1. Informed licensing choices: Access to usage insights helps you make well-informed decisions when considering current and future licensing needs.

  2. Usage monitoring and management: This helps you keep track of usage patterns, enabling you to take control of your API consumption.

We recommend you take full advantage of this new feature to track your API usage and make any necessary adjustments to your licensing. If you expect to need additional API calls, contact your dedicated account manager or sales contact.

In the unlikely event that you exceed your fair use API limits, UiPath® does not impose any restrictions, so customer operations can continue uninterrupted. Any changes to this or the commercial offering will be communicated in advance, to provide a smooth and seamless experience.

How can I know what my allocated API calls are?

The allocation of API calls is contingent on the SKUs licensed within the Flex Plan. The UiPath licensing platform lists all SKUs relevant to Integration Service API calls.

For instance, if you have licensed UiPath - Flex - Attended - Named User, you are granted 3,000 API calls per month/per license. Similarly, UiPath - Flex - Automation Developer - Named User grants you 5,000 API calls per month/per license, and licensing UiPath - Flex - Unattended Robot provides you with 5,000 API calls per month/per license.

Example: Calculating based on two SKUs
SKULicensedAPI calls (per month)
UiPath - Flex - Attended - Named User2525 * 3,000 = 75,000
UiPath - Flex - Automation Developer - Named User100100 * 5,000 = 500,000
UiPath - Flex - Unattended Robot5050 * 5,000 = 250,000
Total API Calls allocated for this customer per Month825,000

Additionally, if you license any of the following Platform Individual SKUs, you will receive the mentioned API calls per year.
SKUAPI calls (per year)
UiPath - Flex - Integration Service API Calls Bundle - 3M3M
UiPath - Flex - Integration Service API Calls Bundle - 6M6M

For any further questions or if you require additional clarifications, contact your dedicated account manager or sales team.

Why do I have so many API calls when I have a limited number of automations?

A single API call is determined as consumed when a request is made to the external third-party application through UiPath Integration Service. The consumption is calculated on the total number of times a call is made to the third-party applications, irrespective of how a call is initiated (manually, attended, or unattended).

One of the primary factors leading to high usage, even with a single automation and one connector, is the trigger setup. Configuring triggers at a very high frequency can significantly increase API consumption. To optimize your API usage, you can review and adjust the trigger setup to align with your automation needs. This will help to manage API consumption more effectively. To learn how you can edit your trigger setup, refer to Changing your polling interval in the Triggers documentation.

In the following example, a single organization has multiple tenants, and each tenant has a Microsoft Outlook 365 connection with trigger configuration to run every five minutes.

OrganizationTenantConnectorTriggered byTrigger frequency (default 5 minutes)Number of API executions
Sample OrganizationTenant 1Microsoft Outlook 365Trigger setup5 Min~288
Sample OrganizationTenant 2Microsoft Outlook 365Trigger setup5 Min~288
Sample OrganizationTenant 3Microsoft Outlook 365Trigger setup5 Min~288
Sample OrganizationTenant 4Microsoft Outlook 365Trigger setup5 Min~288
Sample OrganizationTenant 5Microsoft Outlook 365Trigger setup5 Min~288
Sample OrganizationTenant 6 (Dev)Microsoft Outlook 365Robot/Manualnone~100
Total API call in a given day1540

From when is the API consumption calculated?

The API calls usage feature was released in October 2023 for all Integration Service customers. The consumption is calculated and displayed starting with September 2023. For more information, refer to License usage.

Does UiPath Integration Service charge for using connectors?

UiPath Integration Service does not charge for individual connectors. Usage is calculated based on the API calls generated by the connector you use. Please refer to the other FAQs in this section for more information on API call allocations for your organization and how they are tracked.

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