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Integration Service user guide

Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation Suite
Last updated Mar 5, 2025

Authentication for Slack


Depending on the authentication type you select, you need one of the following credentials:

  • OAuth 2.0 Authorization code: User scopes, Bot scopes, and your Slack credentials.
  • Bring your own OAuth 2.0 app: Client ID, Client secret, User scopes, Bot scopes.
For creating a private OAuth2 app, follow the steps mentioned in the Slack documentation.

To be able to create a connection, you need to be a member or a guest of a Slack workspace.

Note: If you create a connection using Bring your own OAuth 2.0 app, there are some additional steps you must take when using the Button Clicked event. Refer to Using Button Clicked with Bring your own OAuth 2.0 app authentication for more details.

Add the connection for Slack

To create a connection to your Slack instance, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Select Integration Service from Automation CloudTM Public Sector.

  2. From the Connectors list, select Slack. You can also use the search bar to narrow down the connector.

  3. Select the Connect to Slack button.

    You can choose between two authentication types: OAuth 2.0 Authorization code or Bring your own OAuth 2.0 app.

    1. If you select the Bring your own OAuth 2.0 app method, enter the required credentials and select Connect.
    2. If you select the default OAuth 2.0 Authorization code method, continue to step 4.
  4. Review or change the Bot scopes and/or the User scopes as per your requirements or use case. This step is optional. You can use the default scopes to create the connection.
  5. Select Connect.

  6. Select the correct workspace from the top-right corner of the screen. The connection performs actions only for this selected workspace and its respective channels.

    docs image

  7. Select Allow. With access to your Slack account, UiPath can do the following:
    • View content and info about you.
    • View content and info about channels and conversations.
    • View content and info about your workspace.
    • Perform actions as you.
    • Perform actions in channels and conversations.
    • Perform actions in your workspace.
  8. Your connection has been added.

Scopes and permissions

You can use the connection to enable the Slack activities in UiPath Studio to build automations for user and channel management, scheduled messaging, and other ways of working together.

Use the following table to check the various permission-based use cases you can achieve using Slack activities:

Scope/permissionUse caseActivity/Event
chat:write (Both User and Bot Token)

Send a message in a channel as a Bot or User.

Send a reply to a message in channel as a Bot or User.

When a button is clicked in a channel, send an ephemeral message or a me message to the user.

Send Message to Channel

Send Reply

chat:write:customize (Bot token only)Send a message in a channel or to a user using a customized Bot name and icon.

Send Message to Channel

Send Message to User

chat:write:public (Bot token only)Send notifications/announcements to public channels as a Bot even if the Bot is not a channel member.Send Message to Channel
links:write (Both User and Bot Token)Send messages with preview of links such as Jira ticket or GitHub issue etc. as a Bot or User.

Send Message to Channel

Send Message to User

channels:write (User token only)

Create public channels for different teams and users based on need / topic / goal as a user.

Dynamically archive or unarchive or close the temp channel/conversation as a user when the support ticket is closed or reopened.

Archive Channel

Set Channel Topic

channels:manage (Bot token only)

Create public channels for different teams and users based on need / topic / goal as a bot.

Dynamically archive or unarchive or close the temp channel/conversation as a user when the support ticket is closed or reopened.

Create Channel

Archive Channel

Set Channel Topic

channels:join (Bot token only)Upload a media file as a Slack message in a channel as a Bot by first joining the channel.Join Channel
groups:write (Both User and Bot Token)Create private channels for different teams and users based on need / topic / goal as a Bot or User.Create Channel
im:write (Both User and Bot Token)Send individual message (IM) as a Bot or User.Send Message to User
mpim:write (Both User and Bot Token)

Send a message in a MPIM group as a Bot or User.

Send a reply to a message in the MPIM group as a Bot or User.

Open a MPIM conversation by adding multiple users for sending message as a Bot or User.

Send Message to Channel

Send Reply

channels:read (Both User and Bot Token)

Retrieve the list of public channels of the connected workspace in order to send messages or manage users as a Bot or User.

Read the public channel information as a Bot or User for sending messages or managing users.

Send Message to Channel

Send Message to User

Send File to Channel

Send Reply

Invite Users to Channel

Remove User from Channel

List all Channels

Get Channel Info

List all Channel Members

groups:read (Both User and Bot Token)

Retrieve the list of private channels of the connected workspace in order to send messages or manage users as a Bot or User.

Read the private channel information as a Bot or User for sending messages or managing users.

Send Message to Channel

Send Message to User

Send File to Channel

Send Reply

Invite Users to Channel

Remove User from Channel

List all Channels

Get Channel Info

List all Channel Members

im:read (Both User and Bot Token)

Retrieve the list of IM conversations of the connected workspace in order to send messages as a Bot or User.

Retrieve the list of IM conversations that the user is part of.

List all Channels

Get Channel Info

mpim:read (Both User and Bot Token)

Retrieve the list of MPIM groups of the connected workspace in order to send messages as a Bot or User.

Retrieve the list of MPIM conversations that the user is part of.

List all Channels

Get Channel Info

files:read (Bot token only)Retrieve the file info such as public URL and downloading important files such as quarterly results, from a URL via Slack message as a Bot or User. Get File Info
files:write (Both User and Bot Token)

Notify all the users of a user group regarding an important update. For instance, notifying as a Bot or User, the Quarterly Sales Results to the entire Sales / Marketing team group.

Upload a media file as a Slack message in a channel as a Bot or User.

Send File to Channel
usergroups:read (User token only)Retrieve the list of users in a user group so as to update or add users as a Bot or User.List All User Groups
usergroups:write (User token only)

Create a user group for multiple channels as a Bot or User.

Add users to an existing user group as a Bot or User whenever a new user is added to a channel.

Dynamically enable or disable the user group for temp channel whenever the temp channel is archived/unarchived.

Create User Group

Add Users to User Group

users:read (Both User and Bot Token)Retrieve the list of users of the connected workspace as a Bot or User in order to send messages.

List All Users

Invite Users to Channel

Remove User from Channel

Send Message to User (Both User and Bot Token)Read the user information such as name, email etc. as a Bot or User for sending notifications.Get User by Email
  • Prerequisites
  • Add the connection for Slack
  • Scopes and permissions

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