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AI Computer Vision User Guide
Automation CloudAutomation Cloud Public SectorAutomation SuiteStandalone
Last updated Jun 27, 2024


Release date: 8 February 2023

Bug fixes

Fixed a bug that was preventing you from reaching the maximum number of 2000 words to be extracted per request.

Known issues

When the limit for the maximum number of words to be extracted per request is reached, an error message is thrown and the OCR boxes in the output are a random subset of the entire set of OCR boxes (words) on the screen, so we can’t guarantee this exact subset is detected at runtime.

As a workaround, you can either indicate a smaller region of the screen or you can disable OCR processing.

To disable OCR processing, if OCR boxes are not useful in the automation project, go to Project Settings > Computer Vision > CV Methods > deselect the OCR checkbox from the drop-down menu.

OCR processing can also be disabled at activity level if you go to the properties panel of the CV Screen Scope activity > Input > CvMethod > deselect the OCR checkbox from the drop-down menu.

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